About service IPGold

IPGold is an online platform for website promotion and promotion in social networks. The service works on the principle of the exchange: customers set tasks, performers perform them. We have been working since 2007.

about service ipgold

Our services

In IPGold, you can order any actions necessary to promote a website or social network

  • transitions to the site from search engines, with clicks;
  • clicks on ad units;
  • visiting the site, with clicks;
  • promotion of social networks: likes, subscriptions, views;
  • registration, with confirmation;
  • app installation;
  • voting, with confirmation;
  • ratings, reviews, comments;

Integrated promotion with the help of IPGold advertising campaigns allows you to promote your site in the TOP search engine results. For communities and personal social media accounts, we provide an effective increase in natural traffic. This is achieved by attracting motivated traffic through views, likes, subscribers.

Key features

The main feature of the service is that all tasks are performed by real people.
How it works:

  1. An advertiser in a personal account launches an ad company.
  2. The ad company is getting checked by the moderator.
  3. The task is getting transferred to the executor and carried out by him.

Postpaid encourages performers to complete tasks correctly and conscientiously. "Live" motivated traffic allows you to avoid suspicion and blocking from the search engines themselves and social networks.


The IPGold functionality allows you to fine-tune tasks.

You have the opportunity to select all important audience parameters: geolocation, age, gender. Due to flexible settings, more efficient promotion of the resource is provided.

You can pay for an advertising campaign using various services and electronic wallets. All detailed information is presented in My Account.
You can contact Support for more details or to resolve issues.

IPGold provides transparent payment for actions to performers and guarantees the achievement of the necessary results for advertisers. It's easy to promote and earn with us.



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