Zen complete reads up
Yandex Zen is one of the most popular sites in Runet. Authors of interesting articles and in-demand content can monetize their channel by increasing the number of subscribers and reading articles in it.
With the systematic conduct of an ad campaign, more and more users who come from organic traffic subscribe to it. We provide a service for cheating Yandex Zen by real users in the categories of reading, subscriptions, likes and comments. In our service, you can order Zen promotion for any of the services in different combinations, depending on your strategy.
It is best to combine Yandex Zen subscriptions and the number of views of articles on the channel, so your rating will grow faster. Boosting likes and leaving comments increase the audience engagement rate, you shouldn't forget about this either.
Comprehensive promotion will allow you to grow in the rating, take top positions in the authors and increase your audience. As a result, you monetize your channel faster than without the use of these methods. You should not forget about caution and increase the mass of subscribers gradually, this allows you to make flexible settings: by time, gender and geolocation of the audience when launching an ad campaign.
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Boost complete reads up in Zen to improve statistics
More than 40 seconds - this is how much time the user must devote to an article in Yandex.Zen for it to be considered “finished”. At first glance, the value is small. But in fact, many subscribers are not ready to devote even half a minute to the publication. As a result - the slow development of the channel. You can overcome this with the help of cheating. By increasing Zen reads in this way, you get the opportunity to naturally promote your blog. Improved statistics of publications contributes to their inclusion in the feed of recommendations and reaching new audiences. As a result, a live stream of new subscribers and an increase in profits from monetization.
You can order boost readings for Zen at IPGold. Our service works on a simple principle:
- The customer creates an order for the required amount of reading up completion;
- Real performers from different regions follow the provided link;
- Performers spend at least 40 seconds on the opened page and leave it only after the reading is counted.
To order such a promotion, simply register on the service and create an order. We will start working on it right after launch.
Recommendations for boosting the readability indicator
The number of reads is not visible to subscribers and the target audience. But this doesn't mean that this indicator can be increased to any volume. Too sharp an increase, as well as a strong difference from other statistics criteria, can lead to blocking by Yandex. To prevent this, follow a few rules.
First, post interesting content. It is impossible to support the development of the channel by promotion all the time. This service is recommended for use as a "push" to the development of the page. Therefore, it is especially relevant for:
- New commercial pages (companies, online stores, beauty studios);
- Beginning bloggers;
- Authors who continue posting after a long break.
The basis for the successful development of a channel in Zen is high-quality, unique and interesting content.
The second rule is to work with all statistics. Along with reading, comments, views, likes should also grow. You can also buy them on our service. It is desirable to promote the statistics not simultaneously (in one day).
And the third rule - increase all indicators gradually. Start with small values. You can find out how many rereads you need in your case according to statistics. Their number shouldn't be equal to the number of real views.
The IPGold service will take care of all other promotion concerns. Our performers will help you get the right number of views to read, start earning or reach a higher level of income. To order their services, launch a new task in your personal account on the service. You can also order Yandex Zen Likes.